Auto Motivate


Consulting and coaching support can range from a 1-day engagement to a full project requirement with clear goals, targets and measured outcomes. It all starts with a no-obligation telephone conversation to determine the objectives.


Auto-Motivate goes to great lengths to explain why it is nothing like consulting! Once the programme is complete, the business owner will be left with the knowledge and tools to carry on with the business growth and development independently of Auto-Motivate. However, Auto-Motivate can, at this point, change its role and purpose to mentoring, where Auto-Motivate works one-on-one with the owner to support their life journey and that of their business aspirations.


The design phase is the structured development of a simple but specific business plan. The plan will become the “North Star” and the purpose of everything we do will be aligned with the vision, mission and values of the business. It will create its culture and solid belief strategy.


The foundation phase of Auto-Motivate begins with a detailed phone call between the client and Auto-Motivate. From this position the client is required to complete a specific question set which the client can answer online. This provides Auto-Motivate with a basic insight into the business operations, its current position and an overview of its financial health. From this information, Auto-Motivate will be able to determine the suitability and foundational starting point for the programme.


Most bodyshop owners are strong entrepreneurs and successful business owners who get trapped in a cycle of wanting to grow the business, but failing to find the time or the systems that will allow them time to complete the age old cliché of “working on the business and not in the business”! This is where Auto-Motivate is different to any system, process driven or consultancy method. It is a fully structured coaching and mentoring programme.


The whole purpose of the Auto-Motivate programme is to ensure the development of the owner, the business, its people including the financial growth and success of the business. This will be a fundamental part of the measures introduced and tracked by the Auto-Motivate programme. Auto-Motivate is based on its Four Pillars belief: strategy, performance, risk and people. When all four of these are in alignment the success will create the business growth.


Delivery is the heavy lifting phase, one that will be guided & supported by Auto-Motivate during the full 12 month programme. Each component will be coached and guided with support from Auto-Motivate every month by attending the business location/s for 1 full day every month (more if required) and followed by weekly contact review meetings over Skype or web-chat communications. The initial steps will be small but significant as we appreciate that during the visits and calls the business has to operate its daily needs. This is why, and where, most other programmes fail, because the one time visit with single point of information cannot be absorbed and implemented in any lasting way. Auto-Motivate ensures the complete transition of where you are to where you want to be!


The discovery phase is where Auto-Motivate will attend the client’s business site/s to carry out a detailed and comprehensive assessment and alignment of the programme. This includes one-to-one interviews with the owners and senior management teams within the business and where necessary, the technicians. This provides the determination of the route and planning towards the new business goals. The information collected and collated will enable the client and Auto- Motivate to create the journey for the business and the necessary steps to get there, including all the key milestones and measures to ensure its success.


For the most part, the Auto-Motivate programme is introduced from a referral source. Auto- Motivate does no external marketing or advertising. It selects its clients based on a referral source to ensure there is a clear understanding and matching of needs. The referral source is usually someone who has knowledge or understanding of the owner’s business or have themselves experienced the Auto-Motivate programme.